I'm So Glad to Get to Know You

Welcome to Everything For Modern Moms. This is my space to help all of you modern moms out there to find the products that you need and want. Keep in mind if there is something that you would like to see a review on that I would love to help you out. So please contact me, Amanda Miller, and let me know what you are looking for. Also keep in mind that is a great space for modern moms to come and hang out and I hope that it will become the go to for all of you modern moms looking for the things that you need. I am mom to four and I love babywearing, cloth diapering, and being able to stay home with my amazing children. Have fun looking around and make yourself at home!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Adventure Wednesdays

So every summer since I've been a stay at home mom I've found there to be a ton of issues with my oldest (the only one that's school aged) getting bored. This year I decided to creat "Adventure Wednesdays". Since this is the first full week of vacation we are taking our first adventure today & we invited some friends to join us. It's supposed to be a scorcher out but that isn't stopping us from packing up our bags, grabbing the things that we need & heading out for hiking & to see some waterfalls. I'll be sure & post pics of each of our adventures. Of course our adventures have to be aged appropriately for my children who are 5 mos, 2 1/2, 3 1/2, & 8 1/2. Today we are having grandma watch the baby because of the heat since she is not a huge fan of being hot. Most trips are likely to just be me & the kids but we could have friends joining us here & there. Since we have a good friend of mine & her 9 1/2 year old son going I thought we might end up doing a bit more hiking then we would if we were on our own. This is the biggest factor in my decision to leave the littlest one with grandma for this trip. She will be with us for most of our adventures! :)

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