I'm So Glad to Get to Know You

Welcome to Everything For Modern Moms. This is my space to help all of you modern moms out there to find the products that you need and want. Keep in mind if there is something that you would like to see a review on that I would love to help you out. So please contact me, Amanda Miller, and let me know what you are looking for. Also keep in mind that is a great space for modern moms to come and hang out and I hope that it will become the go to for all of you modern moms looking for the things that you need. I am mom to four and I love babywearing, cloth diapering, and being able to stay home with my amazing children. Have fun looking around and make yourself at home!


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Everyone of us needs goals....I have many!

So I thought I'd share mine with you and share my progress once a month.

Goals For Myself--

1. To become healthier & cut the crap!
I'm working on this one but it is so hard!

2. To shred these extra pounds.
I've been trying for a while but REALLY trying for the past two weeks. According to my dr's office I've lost 9 lbs from my starting weight of 245 & am now down to 236 in the past 2 weeks! Awesome & finally!

3. To work out daily
That 9 lb weight loss was just what I needed to motivate me. I will now be working out every single day!

4. To be able to run a 5K
This will come after I'm in better shape and at a safer weight to run, don't want to injure my knees by trying too heavy.

Goals for my Career--

1. To be published
I need to work more on my book.

2. To make a decent income
This could come with #1

3. To make daily blog posts

Goals for my children--

1. To raise happy kids
I'm really working on encouraging them!

2. To be a good mom, cut the crap in my life like TV & focus more on my children.
We're cutting cable at the end of March, this is bound to make this easier.

3. To start a daily journal with each of my kids.
I'm going to buy the notebooks tomorrow!

Goals for my Family--

1. To cut down on our time using technology & TV
This will come when we cut cable.

2. To dance more
After cable is gone, music will be a big part of our entertainment.

3. To start eating all of our meals together
Our table has become our catch all but I am determined to get it cleaned tomorrow.

4. To have a well organized home
I have a LONG way to go and need to purchase lots of storage solutions to help me get more neat and organized.

Wish me luck & watch for updates on my journey.

What are your goals?? I'd love to hear about them and how you are going about reaching them.

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