The Bum Genius OS pocket diapers were a favorite of mine for a very long time. At one point these made up nearly 80% of our cloth diaper stash and we had about 35 of them. To date, we only have one or two hanging around and they are in need of some repairs so again no action shots on these, sorry folks! I am hoping that the good people of Cotton Babies will help this mom out and let me review all of their products again. I would love to be able to try out the new BGs since I know that changes had been made since I had mine.
There are many things that I loved about these diapers when I had them. I really liked that the APLIX funtioned so well and did not get caught up or hung up in the wash. Now after having them for over two years I did have the APLIX replaced one time and I need to have the APLIX replaced a second time on the ones that I still have so I'd say that the APLIX only lasts about a year. I would prefer to try out the snap versions today so that I do not have to worry about that APLIX issue again in the future. When I was first cloth diapering I had just given birth to my third child so I had a bit more money to spend on cloth and these were well worth their price tag. I do not consider them to be the most expensive cloth diaper choice as there are many out there that are considerably more expensive but they are not on the cheap end of the spectrum either. I would put them in the mid-mid high range depending on the choice of diapers that you have. Plus most online cloth diaper shops will work with you and offer you a discount if you are purchasing these in bulk. So if you are wanting to purchase a complete system of these you will find that you can save a considerable amount of money by doing so at one time. Although to be honest the price tag was more than what we could afford when we were purchasing cloth diapers for our fourth child. This is probably because we have four children and I am a full time stay at home mom. (Having worked in social work prior to the birth of child number three, it would not pay me enough for daycare to continue in that same field.)
So more about these diapers that I often refer to as the magic gem to cloth diapering. The first thing is that it is nearly impossble to get a bad fit with the APLIX version of these. Since I have not used the snaps I can not discuss how well they would be to fit but I am assuming that they are simlar. I have some friends who use them and swear by how well they work so I am gonna go on a limb and say that they are a great diaper no matter which you would happen to choose.
In addition the diapers come in some of the best diaper colors that are available on the market. I love their solids and there are few solids that I really love so this is an additional bonus for me, personally. I love that there are so many new choices and would really love to be able to try them all out and own some of these again.
I also love that these diapers work so well. The microfiber inserts are truly amazing and made it nearly impossible for these diapers to leak or have problems. I never noticed the inserts or the diapers themselves having problems with leaks. Even after two years of straight use and no other dipaers in the rotation the PUL was in good working order and the elastics were still strong. The only problem that I had was with the APLIX and I do not think that this is something that is at all unexpected when you consider how used they were and how APLIX is used in the first place.
There are additional factors that you will enjoy with these. One of these is that when the diapers are set to a smaller sized setting you can snap down the insert for a better fit. I found this impressive and have yet to see this feature available on any other diaper that I have tried, regardless of brand or style.
There are no other real problems or complaints that I can think of as I truly did love these. In the past I would have said that I wanted some print options but the company has already started this as well. I do think that it would benefit them to offer more prints than they have been offering and some more popular choices as some of the prints have not been a favorite of mine. I like the cutesy look in diapers and sometimes I think that their dipaers have a more mature look. So of course I am sure that there are parents who would completely disagree with my statement about prints as this is something that is all a matter of opinion.
Again I am hoping to try out the new version of these diapers so that I can give a more up to date review in the future.
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Welcome to Everything For Modern Moms. This is my space to help all of you modern moms out there to find the products that you need and want. Keep in mind if there is something that you would like to see a review on that I would love to help you out. So please contact me, Amanda Miller, and let me know what you are looking for. Also keep in mind that is a great space for modern moms to come and hang out and I hope that it will become the go to for all of you modern moms looking for the things that you need. I am mom to four and I love babywearing, cloth diapering, and being able to stay home with my amazing children. Have fun looking around and make yourself at home!

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