Here's our cloth diapering story....
First off, let me state that I have wanted to cloth diaper for a while. When my first daugther was born I checked out all of the options and I looked for the choices that would be available to us. I wanted to cloth diaper her but because of issues with child care and having to use disposables there I decided that maybe it would be best for us to not cloth diaper.
Fast forward fifteen months and my son was born. We noticed right away that something was seriously wrong with his skin. He broke out all of the time and diapers seemed to really irritate him. So we ended up purchasing expensive organic and chemical free diapers and magically he started to clear up in the diaper area. He still had horrible eczema but I will save those posts for a later blog. Anyways I decided as we were spending so much for diapers, having to be sure and change him immediately after he would go to the bathroom (even when he had just peed) that it would be a good idea to try out cloth.
Fast forward to today, two and a half years later and let me say...I love cloth. First off my kids always have the cutest diapers. Second, they are not exposed to any unnecessary chemicals. Plus we are doing something great for the environment and the world around us at the same time. So this is something that really works for our family. Now to be honest we have tried nearly every cloth diaper on the market today. We have tried so many, so I am going to be trying to update this with the diapers that we have used and tried and hopefully finding sponsors so that I can start reviewing more cloth. We love our fluffy butts here and I'd love to be able to review some more diapers sinc I am a cloth diaper addict now.
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Welcome to Everything For Modern Moms. This is my space to help all of you modern moms out there to find the products that you need and want. Keep in mind if there is something that you would like to see a review on that I would love to help you out. So please contact me, Amanda Miller, and let me know what you are looking for. Also keep in mind that is a great space for modern moms to come and hang out and I hope that it will become the go to for all of you modern moms looking for the things that you need. I am mom to four and I love babywearing, cloth diapering, and being able to stay home with my amazing children. Have fun looking around and make yourself at home!

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