I'm So Glad to Get to Know You

Welcome to Everything For Modern Moms. This is my space to help all of you modern moms out there to find the products that you need and want. Keep in mind if there is something that you would like to see a review on that I would love to help you out. So please contact me, Amanda Miller, and let me know what you are looking for. Also keep in mind that is a great space for modern moms to come and hang out and I hope that it will become the go to for all of you modern moms looking for the things that you need. I am mom to four and I love babywearing, cloth diapering, and being able to stay home with my amazing children. Have fun looking around and make yourself at home!


Friday, August 24, 2012

Review Choco Venyl

Choco Venyl is amazing little Etsy shop that I found as I was considering how I was going to redecorate my home.  I have an adorable owl bathroom in the upstairs of my house and this lovely company has sent me some of the best decals that I have seen.  They are actually made from thin layers of cloth and are not made from the standard material that other decals are made out of.

I also think that these are some of the cutest decals that I have seen.  If you are curious as to the rest of the decor in my bathroom it is from this line.

Now here is the fun part for me.  Choco Venyl has a ton of additional amazing decals for your home.  All of them are made in this same unique fashion.

I think that this Princess and Castle piece is something that is unique and beautiful.

Princess and Castle Wall Decals (not vinyl) - Medium, by Ellen Giggenbach

These hot air baloons are awesome too. 

Hot Air Balloons, Fabric (not vinyl) Wall Decals - Small, by Belle and Boo

Of course, as with most of the shops that I feature, Choco Venyl has a ton of additional things that I would love to get my hands on.  You should head over to their shop and tell me what you think about their products.  I'd love to hear what you have to say about them.  Tell me what your favorite is.

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