I must say first off that I love Initials Inc. I feel honored to be able to test out one of their products and find out about the quality and I, of course, love the fact that the personalization is always free with them. Plus I love all of their great ideas for helping you to organize your home.
Do you have that junk drawer that we all have? If so you are going to find that you can easily get rid of some of your clutter with the Take Along Caddy. You can easily purchase this item here yourself. I love the one that I was given to check out and I was shocked at how much clutter this little bin can hold. I was told by Abbie (the rep that I am working with) that the material is now thicker, the one that I have she told me was a tad bit flimsy but to be honest I never noticed.
I personally do not have a junk drawer but instead a junk chair where all of my clutter lands and this handy little tote was able to hold it all which amazed me because it seemed small in size but it is in deed quite mighty in use.
I do want to state up front that there is a book party going on. Depending on the size of the overall book party there will be some type' of contest or special offer. It might be a free prize or it might be the luck of me paying for your order. You never know just what might happen when you decide to order through my book party. You will find that there are a wide varieyt of choices in products but I am going to highlight my favorite and give you the review of the item that I was given to check out. Then I am going to tell you about my good friend, Abbie, who is the rep that I am working with here on my blog. I've known her since I was in high school, sadly more years than I would honestly like to admit.
So remember there is going to be a great giveaway for you with this product if you are one of the people who has ordered.
As with all things that I feature here on my blog I must share with you my wish list of things that I would love to have from Intials Inc.
The first of these is this cleverly designed desk organizer. It has pockets for smaller items but can eaisly hold files or larger items in the center plus it is going to look great on any desk.

Then there is the Get a Grip Large. One good thing about this product is that it is available for half price with every $35 that you spend this month only. So you can easily order from my book party by following the links and get yourself one of these great organizing totes personalized for free for just $22. What a steal!!!

The other part of the special for this month is the regular Get a Grip for just $15 with every $35 that you spend. This is a great opportunity for you to be able to get organized with your little ones. I know that I have discussed this item in my blog post about the book party but this is only because I love it so much. I want four of these in different prints so that I can have my kids more organized in my van. I think they each need one stocked full of on the go goodies. In fact I feel so strongly about this that I think that it is going to be a little extra surprise from Santa this year, one that he leaves in the car for them.
If you are wondering, here are the four that I would personally choose.

By having four different colors and having them again personalized for free there would never be a mistake as to who had which bag and therefore fights would be limited.
I am also super obsessed with the Marvelous Magnetic Pocket. I would love to have one of these and then to have four of the Mini Magnetic Pockets for my kids. The mini pockets are just $20 and the large one is $25.

The Off the Wall Organizer is another amazing product. It is especially amazing when you consider that it is personalized and only costs $30.

The Sort it All Out is another amazing product for those of you who are interested. It is meant to hold everything that you can imagine and it is large enough to get it's job done. Plus it is affordable for the size and for being personalized and only costs $56. If you host a book party or decide to host a party in person this month you can get one of these for a great deal as a hostess. If you are interested in this please contact Abbie and she will help you get it all sorted out. You can contact her through her Facebook page. Abbie is a great person to deal with and has been a personal friend of mine for many years.
The Tech Pouch is something else that I want to buy for each of my kids to keep their iPod Touches in. I know that I am admitting on here that my kids all have techie toys but we travel a lot and these simple little toys keep them entertained for hours on the road, have worked in airports and many other places where we have needed our kids to cooperate and be quiet or sit for long periods of time.

The matching Travel Duffle is something else that I would like to purchase for all four of my little ones. They do not currently have their own high quality luggage and these are something that I think that they would be able to use for a long time and would definitely last them for years to come.

So now it is time to meet your creative partner for Initials Inc. Abbie VanTine Cowell has been a friend of mine since I was in high school which is more years than I like to admit. She is a wonderful stay at home mom who works with her Initials Inc business to be able to afford the luxury of staying home with her daughter Emma who just turned one. She is an honest and sincere person who really does show love and blessing to those that she meets. If you have ever wondered about working from home then you should get ahold of Abbie and let her know that you are interested in possibly starting one of these Initials Inc ventures for yourself.
If you are interested in ordering please check out my book party. Then go to the book party link here and make sure that you post in the comments that you ordered. Depending on the total amount of sales there is going to be a prize. I might be working with Abbie to partially self sponsor this one depending on how much you have all spent and what type of party that I am at. With this you could be entered into a drawing to win a special prize. There will be additional ways that you can enter but the requirement is going to be that you have ordered from the party. Again the prize is going to be a good one with the lowest retail value of $30 but it could be with a much higher retail value and if I hit a total of $1000 in party sales I will reimburse one lucky winner for their complete order so come on ladies and get some great products that you are sure to love and takea chance that if enough of you order on getting all of your products for free.
Do you have that junk drawer that we all have? If so you are going to find that you can easily get rid of some of your clutter with the Take Along Caddy. You can easily purchase this item here yourself. I love the one that I was given to check out and I was shocked at how much clutter this little bin can hold. I was told by Abbie (the rep that I am working with) that the material is now thicker, the one that I have she told me was a tad bit flimsy but to be honest I never noticed.
I personally do not have a junk drawer but instead a junk chair where all of my clutter lands and this handy little tote was able to hold it all which amazed me because it seemed small in size but it is in deed quite mighty in use.
I do want to state up front that there is a book party going on. Depending on the size of the overall book party there will be some type' of contest or special offer. It might be a free prize or it might be the luck of me paying for your order. You never know just what might happen when you decide to order through my book party. You will find that there are a wide varieyt of choices in products but I am going to highlight my favorite and give you the review of the item that I was given to check out. Then I am going to tell you about my good friend, Abbie, who is the rep that I am working with here on my blog. I've known her since I was in high school, sadly more years than I would honestly like to admit.
So remember there is going to be a great giveaway for you with this product if you are one of the people who has ordered.
As with all things that I feature here on my blog I must share with you my wish list of things that I would love to have from Intials Inc.
The first of these is this cleverly designed desk organizer. It has pockets for smaller items but can eaisly hold files or larger items in the center plus it is going to look great on any desk.

Then there is the Get a Grip Large. One good thing about this product is that it is available for half price with every $35 that you spend this month only. So you can easily order from my book party by following the links and get yourself one of these great organizing totes personalized for free for just $22. What a steal!!!

The other part of the special for this month is the regular Get a Grip for just $15 with every $35 that you spend. This is a great opportunity for you to be able to get organized with your little ones. I know that I have discussed this item in my blog post about the book party but this is only because I love it so much. I want four of these in different prints so that I can have my kids more organized in my van. I think they each need one stocked full of on the go goodies. In fact I feel so strongly about this that I think that it is going to be a little extra surprise from Santa this year, one that he leaves in the car for them.
If you are wondering, here are the four that I would personally choose.

By having four different colors and having them again personalized for free there would never be a mistake as to who had which bag and therefore fights would be limited.
I am also super obsessed with the Marvelous Magnetic Pocket. I would love to have one of these and then to have four of the Mini Magnetic Pockets for my kids. The mini pockets are just $20 and the large one is $25.

The Off the Wall Organizer is another amazing product. It is especially amazing when you consider that it is personalized and only costs $30.

The Sort it All Out is another amazing product for those of you who are interested. It is meant to hold everything that you can imagine and it is large enough to get it's job done. Plus it is affordable for the size and for being personalized and only costs $56. If you host a book party or decide to host a party in person this month you can get one of these for a great deal as a hostess. If you are interested in this please contact Abbie and she will help you get it all sorted out. You can contact her through her Facebook page. Abbie is a great person to deal with and has been a personal friend of mine for many years.

The Tech Pouch is something else that I want to buy for each of my kids to keep their iPod Touches in. I know that I am admitting on here that my kids all have techie toys but we travel a lot and these simple little toys keep them entertained for hours on the road, have worked in airports and many other places where we have needed our kids to cooperate and be quiet or sit for long periods of time.

The matching Travel Duffle is something else that I would like to purchase for all four of my little ones. They do not currently have their own high quality luggage and these are something that I think that they would be able to use for a long time and would definitely last them for years to come.

So now it is time to meet your creative partner for Initials Inc. Abbie VanTine Cowell has been a friend of mine since I was in high school which is more years than I like to admit. She is a wonderful stay at home mom who works with her Initials Inc business to be able to afford the luxury of staying home with her daughter Emma who just turned one. She is an honest and sincere person who really does show love and blessing to those that she meets. If you have ever wondered about working from home then you should get ahold of Abbie and let her know that you are interested in possibly starting one of these Initials Inc ventures for yourself.
If you are interested in ordering please check out my book party. Then go to the book party link here and make sure that you post in the comments that you ordered. Depending on the total amount of sales there is going to be a prize. I might be working with Abbie to partially self sponsor this one depending on how much you have all spent and what type of party that I am at. With this you could be entered into a drawing to win a special prize. There will be additional ways that you can enter but the requirement is going to be that you have ordered from the party. Again the prize is going to be a good one with the lowest retail value of $30 but it could be with a much higher retail value and if I hit a total of $1000 in party sales I will reimburse one lucky winner for their complete order so come on ladies and get some great products that you are sure to love and takea chance that if enough of you order on getting all of your products for free.
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