I am so excited to announce that I was able to review some of the amazing longies and see a soaker from Little Bitty Bug. The momma that runs this shop is more than generous so I have a giveaway of a soaker for you all and a prize from her to add to that referral package. So exciting for everyone to be able to win some prizes or to snag a giveaway item. There is so much coming that you all should be happy and pleased when you find out what there is.
Little Bitty Bug has a unique shop that offers quite the choices for you if you are interested in finding the best options for your cloth diapering needs or just finding cute stuff for your baby. I love their unique bibs. These are just a few of my favorite styles.

I do have to admit that there is just sometheieng about the watermelon that makes it a personla favorite. :)
If you are interested in trying out one of her bibs for yourself you can take your chances with my referral contest. This bib, valued at $8, is being added to the prize package that is available for the most referrals.
I received these amazing longies that my little girl is going to grow into around the fall/witner time so they will be perfect for night time and day time as well. I really like them and am excited that she has more longies because longies are my favorite!!!
Little Bitty Bug was so generous that I was also given this great soaker which is valued at $7. If you'd like to win it you can try your luck at my giveaway which is located here.
Lisa Sharp is the talented momma behind this awesome litle shop. She is thirty one years old and has four boys between the ages of one and eleven. How she finds the time to still do the upkeep of this shop and create new things I will never know. As a mom to four I know how busy life has to be for her but I think that little boys are more work and I only have two boys and can barely keep up so I have no idea how she is able to do it all but I am sure glad that she does. She began sewing and crocheting as a teenager and has continued to do these things into her adulthood. She actually taughter herself to do both and says that she has always been "crafty." I'd personally call her a little more than crafty becuase I consider myself crafty but am no where near the level that she is at.
At first she didn't think about selling her goodies because she made them for family and friends or gifts. She had a good friend suggest that she join Etsy and start selling on there. In addition she has her goodies in a local shop in her area. Everything that she has used in her shop has been tested and approved by her own children. This has helped her to make sure that she only puts high quality products out there that really work with kids. She was a joy to work with and I have a little wish list of longies to get for my DD before winter time sets in. I have resorted to the idea of getting longies and tops for her rather than choosing pjs because I love longies so much and love that they help soak up any excess wetness that she might have while sleeping.
These are just a few of the pairs that I personally would love to own.

I mean how can you not smile when you see chubby penguins!! :)

I must say the only thing that is missing is more choices of longies which I am hoping that she will have available once it is closer to fall/winter.
There are a ton of other goodies in the shop that I loved. The sandwich bags are awesome and there are some great choices like these, which would definitely be a huge hit with Andrew, my oldest.

The other items in the shop are tag blankets, building blocks, seek and find toys, and crocheted goodies. I had to post a few pictures of the favoirtes that I found in these categories at Little Bitty Bug.

Some girly owls (you'd know that I would have to post the owls, right??).

Some owls for boys (yep couldn't leave them out!).

We don't own any of these large sized seek and fine bags but I am sure that they are on my shopping list ofr Christmas because my daughter is in love with the mini one that we have so I want to ger her a big one for her stocking.
And I think that the baby really NEEDS these. (giggle, if you saw our close you would understand how much need she has)

And I'm thinking that my littlest man might need this.

Little Bitty Bug has a unique shop that offers quite the choices for you if you are interested in finding the best options for your cloth diapering needs or just finding cute stuff for your baby. I love their unique bibs. These are just a few of my favorite styles.

I do have to admit that there is just sometheieng about the watermelon that makes it a personla favorite. :)
If you are interested in trying out one of her bibs for yourself you can take your chances with my referral contest. This bib, valued at $8, is being added to the prize package that is available for the most referrals.
I received these amazing longies that my little girl is going to grow into around the fall/witner time so they will be perfect for night time and day time as well. I really like them and am excited that she has more longies because longies are my favorite!!!
Little Bitty Bug was so generous that I was also given this great soaker which is valued at $7. If you'd like to win it you can try your luck at my giveaway which is located here.
Lisa Sharp is the talented momma behind this awesome litle shop. She is thirty one years old and has four boys between the ages of one and eleven. How she finds the time to still do the upkeep of this shop and create new things I will never know. As a mom to four I know how busy life has to be for her but I think that little boys are more work and I only have two boys and can barely keep up so I have no idea how she is able to do it all but I am sure glad that she does. She began sewing and crocheting as a teenager and has continued to do these things into her adulthood. She actually taughter herself to do both and says that she has always been "crafty." I'd personally call her a little more than crafty becuase I consider myself crafty but am no where near the level that she is at.
At first she didn't think about selling her goodies because she made them for family and friends or gifts. She had a good friend suggest that she join Etsy and start selling on there. In addition she has her goodies in a local shop in her area. Everything that she has used in her shop has been tested and approved by her own children. This has helped her to make sure that she only puts high quality products out there that really work with kids. She was a joy to work with and I have a little wish list of longies to get for my DD before winter time sets in. I have resorted to the idea of getting longies and tops for her rather than choosing pjs because I love longies so much and love that they help soak up any excess wetness that she might have while sleeping.
These are just a few of the pairs that I personally would love to own.

I mean how can you not smile when you see chubby penguins!! :)

I must say the only thing that is missing is more choices of longies which I am hoping that she will have available once it is closer to fall/winter.
There are a ton of other goodies in the shop that I loved. The sandwich bags are awesome and there are some great choices like these, which would definitely be a huge hit with Andrew, my oldest.

The other items in the shop are tag blankets, building blocks, seek and find toys, and crocheted goodies. I had to post a few pictures of the favoirtes that I found in these categories at Little Bitty Bug.

Some girly owls (you'd know that I would have to post the owls, right??).

Some owls for boys (yep couldn't leave them out!).

We don't own any of these large sized seek and fine bags but I am sure that they are on my shopping list ofr Christmas because my daughter is in love with the mini one that we have so I want to ger her a big one for her stocking.
And I think that the baby really NEEDS these. (giggle, if you saw our close you would understand how much need she has)

And I'm thinking that my littlest man might need this.

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