Maja Baby is a new secret obsession for me. There are many reasons for this but the main one is that the items that I have received have been so high quality. I do not have to worry about anything going wrong with them and they are additionally some of the cutest items that I have ever seen.
When I first met Maja I was surprised at how friendly and willing to work with me she was. Not only did she offer me an item to review but instead she offered me many items to review. She sent me 4 mini hair clips which look darling in Miss Adeline's hair, 2 alligator hair clips that Althea has enjoyed and actually wanted to wear (this is huge considering that most of the time she rips anything out of her hair that I put in), a size 6 mos ruffle skirt, and a size 3 two tier ruffle skirt. The skirts are some of the cutest items that my girls have owned to date and they both still fit well so I am thinking that they might make the cut for fall family pictures.
Here is the single layer skirt that was made for Miss Adeline. Is it not the most adorable thing that you have seen?
Here is the double layer skirt that was sent for Miss Althea. I love this one too and it looks absolutely darling on her.
And a close up of the alligator hair clips.
And here are the two sets photographed together.
Now I do have to say an apology for not having a picture of my girls wearing these together. It is acutally quite shocking to me becuase they have worn them together several times. I even pair them with cute little owl shirts and they make the perfect little outfits. I will add in some pictures of the girls wearing them soon. I promise.
I've been looking through Maja Baby some more lately because I love looking at everything that is available in the shop and I thought that I would share some of my favorite things that she has with you.
One great thing about this plush giraffe toy is that it is available for just $9. If you have shopped for baby toys lately you will understand easily just what a great deal that this is. Plus it is absolutely adorable.

I also love these hair clips that are available for just $2.25 for two of them!!

Now we can get to my favorite part of the review, you get to meet the lovely Maja (pronounced My-uh). She is inspired to make everything that she makes by her three children, a son who is 5 and two daughters that are 3 and 1. Maja began sewing as a child but admits that the passion was not there until after she had kids of her own to make things for. She loves that she gets to share the unique toys, clothing, and accessories that she makes for her children with you through her Etsy shop. She has a great blog where you can read about how crafty she is. I must admit that I have been adicted to reading her blog since I joined so be aware that if you are like me you will be super jealous that you can not create things as beautiful as she can.
Now here are the two great things that I am sure that you will enjoy as much as I have.
The first is that Maja has generously offered a sale code for 20% off of anything in the shop. The code is "YesBaby". Please take advantage of her generous offer and keep in mind that this code is only good for one week.
Now she has also offered up a great giveaway that you can check out here. She is offering one of you lucky readers a set of hair clips for free.
When I first met Maja I was surprised at how friendly and willing to work with me she was. Not only did she offer me an item to review but instead she offered me many items to review. She sent me 4 mini hair clips which look darling in Miss Adeline's hair, 2 alligator hair clips that Althea has enjoyed and actually wanted to wear (this is huge considering that most of the time she rips anything out of her hair that I put in), a size 6 mos ruffle skirt, and a size 3 two tier ruffle skirt. The skirts are some of the cutest items that my girls have owned to date and they both still fit well so I am thinking that they might make the cut for fall family pictures.
Here is the single layer skirt that was made for Miss Adeline. Is it not the most adorable thing that you have seen?
A close up of the mini hair clips so that you can see how cute they are. I especially love that one of them has the double layer. So cute!!
Here is the double layer skirt that was sent for Miss Althea. I love this one too and it looks absolutely darling on her.
And a close up of the alligator hair clips.
And here are the two sets photographed together.
Now I do have to say an apology for not having a picture of my girls wearing these together. It is acutally quite shocking to me becuase they have worn them together several times. I even pair them with cute little owl shirts and they make the perfect little outfits. I will add in some pictures of the girls wearing them soon. I promise.
I've been looking through Maja Baby some more lately because I love looking at everything that is available in the shop and I thought that I would share some of my favorite things that she has with you.
One great thing about this plush giraffe toy is that it is available for just $9. If you have shopped for baby toys lately you will understand easily just what a great deal that this is. Plus it is absolutely adorable.

I also love these hair clips that are available for just $2.25 for two of them!!

Now we can get to my favorite part of the review, you get to meet the lovely Maja (pronounced My-uh). She is inspired to make everything that she makes by her three children, a son who is 5 and two daughters that are 3 and 1. Maja began sewing as a child but admits that the passion was not there until after she had kids of her own to make things for. She loves that she gets to share the unique toys, clothing, and accessories that she makes for her children with you through her Etsy shop. She has a great blog where you can read about how crafty she is. I must admit that I have been adicted to reading her blog since I joined so be aware that if you are like me you will be super jealous that you can not create things as beautiful as she can.
Now here are the two great things that I am sure that you will enjoy as much as I have.
The first is that Maja has generously offered a sale code for 20% off of anything in the shop. The code is "YesBaby". Please take advantage of her generous offer and keep in mind that this code is only good for one week.
Now she has also offered up a great giveaway that you can check out here. She is offering one of you lucky readers a set of hair clips for free.
My code is actually good until the end of June. Happy Shopping!